Tulips Festival in Ottawa Canada

Tulips Festival ottawa
Tulips festival in Ottawa has been something that people is looking forward when spring comes. Every year Tulip Festival Ottawa is always crowded with people from Canada (and even outside Canada). People come to see the beautiful Tulips in this capital city of Canada.  

Tulips Festival in Ottawa
Red Tulip
Tulips is a sign of Spring! It's a big happiness for me to see Tulip bulbs coming up from the ground in my small flower bed. History says, Tulips Festival in Ottawa is a symbol of peace, freedom and international friendship between Canada and Netherlands, when Princess Juliana lived in Canada during the exile. Each year, Dutch Royal Family and the Dutch Growers Association each send 10,000 tulip bulbs to Ottawa.

Tulips Festival in Ottawa:

You may see a lot of Tulips varieties, with many colors and shapes. There are some Tulips garden spots around Ottawa which are the main destination of tourists.  The favorite center point is nearby Dow's Lake. The landscape is wide with "tulips-carpeted" ground.  There are some Food Stands which sell Lemonade, Ice Cream, Fudge and even Hotdog. And don't worry, they also provide temporary public toilets. 

However, finding a parking spot is a bit challenge. At least you have to take a bit walk from the paid parking lot. There are some big or main streets behind the Park. If lucky, you can get a good parking spot there, so you do not have to take extra walk. If you do, at least the fresh Spring air and "blooming" atmosphere will be another good thing.

tulips festival in ottawa

Usually, the peak of the festival are at the same date with long weekend holiday in May. That's why, finding a parking spot even harder.  The place will be packed out with a lot of tourist from outside Ottawa.  Most of tourists came with some tour buses and made the street a bit crowded. However, if you cannot get a spot at Dow's Lake, there are another Tulips' spots in Ottawa. 

Tulips spots in Ottawa:

  • Rideau Canal (this is the most center point for Tulips show)
  • Major Hill's Park 
  • Parliament Hills and Malak's Bed. 
You can visit and choose the spot based on your convenience. Another alternatives, you may come before the long weekend.  This festival usually takes about 3-4 weeks in May. Visiting the festival at the second week is the best when Tulips are still in a good shape and fully blooming. This Canadian Tulip festival is a special annual event that must be marked in my calendar every year.

Don't forget to bring your camera and selfie stick! 

Read Other Article : Ottawa River Boat's Tour
Copyright of Winda Tanu
Click Label "Canada Tourism Spots" below for more reading
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